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Every Third Friday of the Month

The Blues Cafe

The Academie Duello

412 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC, CANADA

  • Wix Facebook page
  • Wix Twitter page


We're always looking for feedback from you, our valued attendees, so if there's ever anything you want to let us know, we encourage you to drop us a facebook message or leave us a post using the following form!  If you want to be anonymous, please fill in "Anonymous" into the Name field, and into the e-mail line.

Or, come find us at any Blues Cafe event and chat with the organizers Vincent and Alyx.  We can often be found by the entrance table and either of us will be happy to chat with you about whatever's on your mind. Thanks!

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at The Academie Duello,

mere minutes walk from 

Waterfront Station.        





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